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2021 Annual Meeting

This Year's Annual Meeting Will Be Virtual

March 25th

10:00AM - 12:00PM

The conference will be hosted through a Zoom Video Conference.

Save the link above & join the conference on March 25th at 10AM!

We are doing a Raffle to raise money for Student Scholarships. For more info & to enter the raffle click the button below. 


Due to COVID 19 impacts the annual meeting for the association could not be held during the Southern Farm Show because it was canceled this year.


In lieu of that regularly scheduled meeting we will hold a virtual format event on March 25, 2021 beginning at 10:00 am and conclude at 12:00 noon.


It will be the first ever, joint meeting of TGANC and Tobacco Associates (TA).


Please mark your calendar and plan to join in remotely with both organizations: Tobacco Growers Association of North Carolina and Tobacco Associates.


Our thanks to NC Farm Bureau (NCFB) who has agreed to host the virtual event via Zoom at its Raleigh offices.


The program agenda is attached and a highlighted version is just below.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 3544 9406

Passcode: 789201

Dial by your location (EST)

+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


During the Business Session, the organizations will adopt resolutions, provide the Presidents Address, Treasurer Reports, elect directors, recognize retiring directors, and give special presentations.


The Honorable Steve Troxler, Commissioner of Agricultural, will relay the Department's industry objectives and updates. The Honorable David Rouzer, US Congressional 7th District NC, will provide a Congressional update. Dr. Blake Brown, NC State University Hugh C. Kiger Professor, will review the current US flue-cured tobacco situation.


TGANC Student Scholarship Raffle


Finally, we will hold the annual TGANC raffle to support student scholarships, live, at the conclusion of the meeting.  Please find the link to participate in that and feel free to share it with your friends that might like a chance at winning one or more of eight fabulous prizes.

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